Let's take a look at the key terminology you need to know to get going with Turtl.
This is the name of your dedicated company login page and is often the same as your company name, or similar. You access your Turtl account by navigating to https://{TenantName}.turtl.co
Teams live within a Tenant and allow different business units, functions, and groups within your organization to use Turtl side-by-side while maintaining full control over their own subscription.
The Turtl engine
Turtl Doc
The name we give to a piece of content produced in Turtl. A Turtl Doc is an experience made up of pages. These are known as Title pages and Content pages.
Title page
A page that introduces a section of content in an impactful manner, often using large visuals. This page may contain a CTA ("Read On") button which takes your reader to the corresponding Content pages. Find out about Title page best practices.
Cover page
The first Title page of your Turtl Doc. It encourages your reader to explore the full Turtl Doc.
Content page(s)
Page(s) that contain your main content and form the body of a given Chapter. Content pages are accessed from the introductory Title page and may contain several pages of text, images, and other media. There are two types of Content pages: Freeform and Column page. Readers navigate from the Title page to the Content pages by clicking the CTA button (Deep reading navigation) or by clicking the right arrow (Linear navigation).
Back cover
The back cover is the last Title page. It can be customized with different images just like any Title page. Users can also change the color of the Back cover using a color picker (this is only shown in themes that have back cover styles defined).
The Back cover can also be customized to include social media sharing links and/or email signup forms. The Back cover can be enabled or disabled.
The combination of a single Title page and the Content pages that belong to it. Chapters divide your Turtl Doc up into interesting pieces of content, covering different topics.
Freeform page
By default, Freeform pages will have a 24-column x 26-row grid, with a 15px gap in between columns; the latter can also be adjusted. For a completely free grid with no gaps, a 48-column grid is also available. Flowing text is not supported for Freeform pages.
Column page
Column pages will have 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 columns and support free-flowing text. Widgets need to be pinned manually.
Read more about Column pages and Freeform pages.
Linear navigation
The type of navigation where Content pages are placed on the right-hand side of the Title pages. This is great for short-form content, presentations, etc.
Deep reading navigation
The type of navigation where Content pages are placed beneath or over the Title pages. This is great for longer documents, optional sections, or when you want to provide a more open-ended reading experience.
Workspaces are ways of organizing your content. A Workspace is a folder containing Turtl Docs you want to group, for example, you might make a "Case studies" Workspace or an "Internal" Workspace. Find out about Workspace organization.
Each Workspace has its own defined set of users with their Workspace roles, assigned by the admin user who creates the Workspace. For example, you might be a Reviewer in a "Marketing" Workspace and an Editor in a "Product" Workspace.
Brand Theme
A unique style is automatically applied to each Turtl Doc that you produce, incorporating approved brand assets, logos, fonts, and colors. Find out more about the differences between Standard vs. Custom Brand Themes.
A pre-defined Turtl Doc structure to deliver a specific experience, (for example a report, whitepaper, or proposal), which can be used instead of creating a new Turtl Doc from scratch. The option to start from a specific template appears when you click "Create new". Find out how to create templates.
Labels allow Turtl Doc Workspace users to tag relevant Turtl Docs to make it easier to search for and find specific content. Any Turtl Doc can have multiple labels. Click on the edit drop-down menu for a Turtl Doc and select "Labels" to select which tags should apply. Only Admin users can create and edit the possible labels, using the "Labels" option in the Settings menu. Find out more about labels.
All Turtl Docs
The list of all the Turtl Docs produced by your team across all the Workspaces you have access to. Navigate to this list using the sidebar in the app, and search and filter the list using the dropdown menus at the top.
My Turtl Docs
The list of all of the individual Turtl Docs you have created.
A cloud software app where you edit and build your Turtl experience. Click the "Edit" option next to a Turtl Doc in the Turtl Docs list to enter the Editor. Alternatively, open the Turtl Doc that you want to edit, and select the edit button from the top toolbar.
The Editor enables the creation and editing of both Title pages and Content pages. The content editor to the left-hand side of the preview shifts, depending on whether the Title or Content page is selected in the Outline.
A thumbnail outline of your pages is displayed at the bottom of the Editor. The Outline allows you to change the order of your Chapters and pages or add new ones. Hover over any individual thumbnail to uncover different options, like copy and paste, delete, duplicate pages, etc.
A widget is an element that you can add to your Content pages to make them more engaging or interactive. Turtl widgets include images, videos, charts, text, maps ... In the Content page editor, you’ll find your widgets if you click on the "Add content" option. Read more about Widgets.
If you're using Freeform pages, all elements (widgets) are fixed (pinned) by default. If you’re using Column pages that have free-flowing text, the pinning feature allows you to fix widgets in place. As a consequence, text naturally flows around the pinned elements. Read more about pinning.
Analytics engine
Where all your Turtl Doc data is collected and presented through various dashboards and reports. Use the analytics engine to analyze the performance of your Turtl Docs and improve your results next time.
Team dashboard
The team dashboard provides you with insights from across all published Turtl Docs in your team's account and Workspaces. This is the main dashboard you see when you click "Home" in the Turtl app. Read more about the Team dashboard.
Turtl Doc dashboard
Your Turtl Doc dashboard offers the same top-level metrics as your team dashboard, but the data is specific to a given Turtl Doc. Instead of breaking information down by a list of Turtl Docs, you'll have a list of each section in the selected Turtl Doc, with its metrics.
Click on a specific Turtl Doc in your Team dashboard, or click the analytics icon in a specific Turtl Doc to view the individual Doc dashboard that applies to it. Read more about the Turtl Doc dashboard.
Reader dashboard
This dashboard provides insights into all recognizable reader sessions. This dashboard shows you the various Turtl Docs the individual has read and their specific metrics. Find out more about Reader dashboard.
Known readers
Note: This feature is available on our Grow or Scale plans. Please contact support if you want to upgrade your plan.
Known readers are readers that Turtl recognizes. A reader is identifiable if they filled out a form or are in your CRM and have navigated to the content from a URL that has the relevant CRM tag appended to it. Your known readers appear at the end of your Team or Turtl Doc analytics dashboard, where clicking on their names or identifiers takes you to the known reader dashboard.
The total number of times a Turtl Doc was opened and the reader explored beyond the first page. If they don’t turn the first page or leave the Doc straight away, they are counted as a bounce.
The total number of unique readers who have read a Doc. A reader is defined as someone who has opened the Doc and then taken action. This could be clicking on the next page or the CTA ("Read on") button.
Bounce rate
The percentage of reads where the reader opened and closed a Turtl Doc but did not take any action e.g. turning the first page.
See our Turtl Analytics metrics for more information.
Personalization engine
Master Doc
A Turtl Doc that is completed in the Editor and prepared to be personalized and/or selectively assembled by other members of the wider organization (with the "Personalizer" user permission as a minimum). It may have personalization tokens set up to be dynamically varied per recipient, like first name or team name. These will be automatically substituted for tailored content when processed by the Turtl Personalization Engine. If a Master Turtl is changed, all personalized versions, previously issued or published in the future, will also be automatically updated.
Personalized Turtl Docs (Personalizations)
A customized version of a Master Doc. Personalized Turtl Docs are generated by users completing a short personalization form in the Master Doc, providing specific recipient information and content selections. Doing so replaces the personalization tokens in a Master Turtl with the content entered into or selected in the form. If a Master Doc is changed, the personalized versions will also be automatically updated.
Display rules
Display rules allow you to control which pages of content are shown as a result of a user filling out a personalization form.
Personalization tokens
Words and elements in a Turtl Doc are replaced automatically by the Turtl Personalization Engine. Personalization tokens appear with percentage marks around them in a Master Turtl. For example, you might use "%fname%" and "%cname%", which, once a member of your team has completed the personalization form, or when processing an API or personalization via file upload, are automatically replaced with first name and team name respectively, by the Turtl Personalization Engine.
Personalization via internal form
A member of your organization, or an affiliate or partner, with a "Personalizer" permission as a minimum, enters their recipient’s details, their contact details, and any relevant information or content selections into the form. These elements are automatically processed by the Turtl Personalization Engine to create the Personalized Turtl Doc.
Personalization via reader form
Personalization via reader form is a method of personalization that is driven by the recipient. Upon opening the Turtl Doc, the reader is presented with a simple customized form of options (similar to that which is used for Personalization via internal form). This encourages the reader to provide some feedback in return for a tailored experience.
Personalization via file upload (.csv)
The Turtl Personalization Engine can operate at scale to generate many thousands of Turtl Docs for individual users instantly. This allows your organization to personalize many Turtl Docs at once to send out to multiple recipients. Personalization via file upload is possible either by supplying customer details in a simple CSV file template and generating all the resulting URLs or by connecting the Turtl Personalization Engine directly to your CRM or other systems via API.