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Turtl analytics metrics

Learn what each of our metrics mean and how they are calculated

Updated over 2 months ago

There are a range of metrics we use to describe the performance of your content. This article will run through each in turn and explain what they mean and how they are calculated.


The total number of times a Title page of a Turtl Doc was opened and the reader either flipped to another Title page or dived into the Content pages.

If a user first lands on a Content page, this is automatically counted as read.

Reads metric lets you know how many reads your content is getting, which allows you to benchmark interest vs. other content. If reads are higher than readers, this would indicate repeat reads.

For example, if someone lands on the Cover page and clicks on the CTA (“Read more") button or flips to the following Title or Content page, or even clicks on an internal link leading to a Title page further on, this will be counted as a read.

If someone lands on the Back cover, fills out a form, and exits the Doc, this will NOT be counted as read. Neither will clicking on an external link or clicking on a social media sharing icon be counted as a read.

Technical explanation​

The total number of unique read sessions where a Title page event is emitted.

Unique read sessions: Every time a user opens a Turtl Doc, a unique read_id is created. Read session times out after 30 minutes. If a user turns a Title page after 30 minutes of inactivity, a new read_id is created.

A Title page event is emitted when:

  • A user clicks on the right-hand arrow, left-hand arrow, CTA (“Read on”) button, a Title page within the Contents menu, or an internal (deep) link on the Title page.

A Title page event is NOT emitted when:

  • A user clicks on an external link, the Contents menu, a Social sharing link, or upon form submission.​


The total number of unique readers who have read a Doc. A reader is defined as someone who has opened the Doc and then taken action. This could be clicking on the next page or the CTA ("Read on") button.

If someone lands on a Doc for the first time and turns a Title or Content page, the analytics will generate one “read” and one “reader”.

If, at a later time, the Doc is accessed through the same browser/device and explored beyond the first page, the analytics will generate 2 reads and 1 reader.

If the Doc is accessed and engaged in incognito mode, through a different browser or device or the cookies in the browser have been cleared in the meantime, the analytics will generate 2 readers.

Unique reader definition

Each reader gets a unique reader_id the first time they open any Turtl Doc. The reader_id is then stored in their browser cookie, so the next time they open a Doc, their reader_id would be the same, unless:

  • They cleared their browser cookies in the meantime.

  • They accessed Turtl Docs from a different device or browser.

Bounce rate

The percentage of readers that opened and closed a Doc, but did not take any action e.g. turning the first page.

This means that if we have 100 people opening a Doc, 30 people exploring beyond the first page, and 70 people leaving the Doc without doing anything (bouncing), this will result in a 70% bounce rate.

Mathematical calculation

Math.round(((allReaders - readers) * 100) / allReaders) || 0;

allReaders = all individuals that opened a Doc
readers = all individuals that explored beyond the first page


Note: We are not able to track shares made externally, for example, someone sharing the content directly on Linkedin via a URL.

The total number of times the share icon within the content was clicked, regardless of whether the final steps to sharing were completed or not.

The number of shares your content receives is a great indicator of how well it is resonating with your audience. A higher number of shares leads to increased visibility and engagement with your content.

The share event is emitted when a user clicks on one of the sharing icons: on the Cover page next to contents, on the Back cover page, on the quotation widget, and on the poll widget.


Note: Even if a logged-in user submits the form, it is counted towards the number of sign-ups.

The total number of times a lead capture form has been submitted.

Lead capture form can be the default Turtl form or a third-party form. Forms can be added to the Cover page, Content pages, or the Back cover of a Doc.

If the same user submits the form twice, we count that as two sign-ups.

PDF Downloads

The total number of times the "Download PDF" button at the bottom of the contents menu has been clicked.

Average read time

Read time begins when a user lands on the Doc and ends at the last trackable interaction (page turn, widget zoom, etc). Any time spent from the last trackable interaction until the user exits the Doc is not counted towards read time.

This means if a user spends 1 minute on the last page they're on without interacting, that 1 minute doesn't count towards their read time.

​If a session times out (which happens after 30 min of inactivity), the next action resets the clock and begins the read time again. This is counted as a separate session. Meaning if someone who reads is marked inactive by not engaging, then engages again, they'll be counted as two reads from one reader. See also Turtl's definition of a read.

In the context of one Doc (Doc analytics dashboard or "Most read Docs" section), the average read time is the total time all readers spent reading one Doc, divided by the number of readers.

Technical details

Math.round(readTimeMs / 1000 /readers) || 0;

Math.round = rounds the value to the nearest integer

readTimeMs = titlepageTimeMs + contentpageTimeMs

/1000 = we divide by 1000 to get seconds

/readers = unique readers

|| 0 = if there is no read time, we output 0

In the context of multiple Docs on the Team or Workspace dashboard, this means the total time all readers spent reading all Docs divided by the number of readers.

Please note that this is a slightly different metric as one reader can read multiple Docs.

Read time in this context is the total read time of all Docs on a Team or workspace.

You may see this in seconds [s], milliseconds [ms], or a more human-readable time that varies depending on the amount of time spent.

Tip: A separate article dedicated to all things read time (including Average Title page and Average Content page time) is available here.

Doc CTR (click-through rate)

This metric appears in the Page performance section of the Turtl Doc analytics dashboard.

When applied to Chapters, the Doc CTR is the percentage of the total Doc readers that read any Content page(s) within a Chapter.

Mathematical calculation

Doc CTR = Content page readers / Total Doc readers

Content page readers: Unique readers who entered the Content page and exited the Content page by going back to the Title page or by clicking the double arrow on the last Content page, thus jumping to the next Title page. If they close the Doc just after opening the Content pages, they will not be counted as Content page readers and CTR will not be calculated.

Total Doc readers: See readers.

When applied to page groups, the Doc CTR is the percentage of the total Doc readers that read a specific page group.

Note: Data for page groups is available from June 13th 2024, when the feature was introduced.

Mathematical calculation

Doc CTR = Page group readers / Total Doc readers.

Page group readers: Unique readers who opened a page within the page group and taken an action. This could be clicking on the next page, submitting a poll, etc. If they close the Doc just after opening the page, they will not be counted as page group readers and CTR will not get calculated.

Total Doc readers: See readers.

In the below example, the "Doc CTR" metric means that if 56 readers read any Content page(s) within the Chapter, this represents 48% of all Doc readers.

15% of total Doc readers read a page group below (for an average of 11 seconds).

Chapter CTR (click-through rate)

When applied to Chapters, Chapter CTR is the percentage of the total Chapter readers who chose to read Content pages.

Mathematical calculation

Chapter CTR = Content page readers / Title page readers

Title page readers: Unique readers who turned a Title page either by opening the Content pages or flipping to the next or previous Title page.

Content page readers = Unique readers who entered the Content page and exited the Content page by going back to the Title page or by clicking the double arrow on the last Content page, thus jumping to the next Title page. If they close the Doc just after opening the Content pages, they will not be counted as Content page readers and CTR will not be calculated.

When applied to page groups, Chapter CTR is the percentage of the total Chapter readers that read a specific page group.

Note: Data for page groups is available from June 13th 2024, when the feature was introduced.

Mathematical calculation

Chapter CTR = Page group readers / Title page readers

Title page readers: Unique readers who turned a Title page either by entering the Content page(s) or flipping to the next or previous Title page.

Page group readers: Unique readers who opened a page within the page group and taken an action. This could be clicking on the next page, submitting a poll, etc. If they close the Doc just after opening the page, they will not be counted as page group readers and CTR will not get calculated.

In the below example, 61% of total Chapter readers read the Content pages. 20% of Chapter readers read the page group below.

Avg % of Doc read

The average percentage of Doc pages read across all read sessions.

For example, if a Doc has 10 pages, and two sessions happened, in the first, 5 pages were read (50% of the Doc read), in the second, 2 pages were read (20% of the Doc read), this means that the Average % of Doc read equals (20% + 50%) / 2 = 35%.

Mathematical calculation

avg(number_of_doc_pages / number_of_pages_read)

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