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Doc settings

How to change Doc URL, theme, language, access, and personalization settings, add third-party forms, and enable extensions

Updated over 4 months ago

Doc settings are a key resource for enabling changes to a Docs URL, description, theme, language, and more that you may want to adjust pre or post-publication.

Whether you're looking for a specific setting, or simply familiarizing yourself with what can be changed, we'd encourage you to explore the options listed below.

Access Doc settings

You can access Doc settings through the Docs listing.

You can also access Doc settings through the drop-down in the Editor.


Customize your Turtl Doc URL

If you want to make your Doc URL more reader and SEO-friendly, you can customize it even after creating or publishing your Turtl Doc. Type in your chosen Turtl Doc URL and hit "Save". You can now use this new URL to direct readers to your Turtl Doc.

Note: Your Turtl Doc will no longer be accessible at the previous URL.

Each custom URL can only belong to one Turtl Doc at a time. If you try to use a URL that is already in use you will receive a message informing you that the URL failed to update. You will need to change the URL of the Turtl Doc which is already using your chosen wording, or choose something else so that it is unique.

Please remember that if you re-use a URL, any links you have sent out previously will immediately point to the Turtl Doc that currently has your custom URL assigned.

Update Doc description

The Doc description is related to SEO optimization. You can re-on SEO best practices here.

Canonical URL setup

A canonical URL signals to search engines which version of a URL should appear in search results, helping to avoid duplicate content issues that can weaken your page’s search ranking. This is essential for SEO.

Remove social sharing icons

This setting applies to social sharing logos on the Cover page and Back Cover page:


Learn about Content page transitions, Page transitions, and Navigation features in our extensive Navigation settings article.

Access control

Select the access policy you want to apply using the drop-down menu. Available policies are:

  1. Public on the web (default): Anyone on the internet can read your Doc.

  2. Anyone with the link: Anyone who has the link can access your Doc. Search engine indexing will be turned off.

  3. Anyone at my company: With SSO enabled, anyone who has a company SSO can access your Doc. With no SSO enabled, anyone with a Turtl login can access your Doc. Search engine indexing will be turned off.

  4. Specific people only: Provide a list of people (emails) who can access your Doc. Search engine indexing will be turned off.

Note: Find more information on access settings in this article.


The languages we currently support are those that appear in the dropdown.

Note: Changing the language will only change your Doc's default text, including the "Read on" and "Contents" buttons. This will not translate the content of your Doc. If you want to translate the Doc’s content, please refer to this article.


There are three form URLs you can specify:

  1. Default Form URL: This URL will be used for both Content pages and Back cover forms unless the "Back cover form URL" is also set.

  2. Cover Form URL: This URL can be used to add a form on the Cover page. Readers will not be able to read or navigate past the first page without entering their details.

  3. Back cover form URL: This can be used to set a different form for the back cover. If this is left blank, the form set as Default Form URL will be used on the back cover.


1. Off (default): Personalization will be turned off. No one will be able to personalize it.

2. People at my company: Full user and personalizer roles can personalize the Doc

3. Anyone: Everyone, including readers, will be able to personalize a Doc from the personalization form on the front cover. A Doc can't be read without personalizing it first.


Extensions are small pieces of code that extend the core functionality of the Turtl application. They are added by the Turtl support team to support Doc translation, add Google Tag Manager, ChatBots, Custom events tracking, Cookie integrations, and similar.

Once added to your account, they can be turned on or off for each Doc by the user.


  • No extensions are available by default; they are added as needed.

  • If you want to apply an existing extension to all Docs, all future Docs, or delete it altogether please reach out to Customer Support or your Customer Success Manager.


You can select any brand theme or theme created by the theme creator tool available for your account.

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