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How to use Turtl to scale ABM programs
How to use Turtl to scale ABM programs

This article walks you through how you can use Turtl to scale an account-based marketing (ABM) program.

Katy Smith avatar
Written by Katy Smith
Updated over a week ago

This article has been split into five key steps: create, personalize, publish, analyze, and optimize. Each step delivers additional benefits and value, but how far you go and which steps you focus on will depend on your objectives and internal processes. Consider this a starting point to get inspired and see what’s possible!

Who is this article for: Are you responsible for creating ABM campaigns and equipping account or sales roles with personalized content to improve pipeline? This article is for you.

ABM without Turtl

ABM with Turtl


Plan and develop content

Once you’ve identified your target accounts and defined your objectives, it’s time to create content in Turtl to support your ABM activities. This might be a report, case study, or product guide - it's helpful to map content against the buyer journey to provide value at every stage, from awareness to advocacy.

No matter what you create, your colors, logos, fonts, and styles are locked within your Brand Theme on Turtl. This means every piece of content looks and feels consistent, regardless of who creates or personalizes it.

You can accelerate your creative process by leveraging our PDF Importer or choosing a ready-made template. Bringing content to life with interactive elements is a great (and proven!) way to engage your readers for longer. Drag and drop live charts, videos, audio, and real-time polls to encourage reader participation and gather intel in the process.

To ensure your Doc is optimized for engagement, you can use the content score tool to get pointers before publishing.

Value delivered: Replace dry, static content with interactive content


Note: This feature is available if you have purchased the Personalization module and are on a Professional or Unlimited plan.

Pre-personalize content for your top accounts

Rather than manually creating personalized content for your target accounts, use Turtl’s Personalization Engine to speed up and scale the process.

Turtl’s Personalization Engine uses personalization tokens and page rules to define the elements that can be personalized in your Doc. Add an account name or company logo to the cover page of your Doc to grab attention, or flex chapters and pages to be relevant to industry focuses and pain points. Hyper-personalized content is key to demonstrating your understanding of your target accounts!

Once you’ve set up your Doc for personalization (we call this the Master Doc), you can use the "File Upload" method of personalization to create a batch of personalized content (up to 25,000 Docs) in minutes. Alternatively, you can use our API method to support and automate more advanced workflows.

Any personalizations created are tied to the Master Doc. Your personalized Docs will update automatically when you publish any changes made to the Master Doc.

Value delivered:

  • Create personalized ABM content effectively at scale

  • Improve relevance of content to deliver up to 84% more engagement
    [Read the research here]


Distribute your Turtl content

Once you’ve created your content, it’s time to share it and start gathering performance data. Every personalized Doc has ready-made sharing assets for email (an easy-to-copy GIF!) and social media. These assets can be used in marketing campaigns or shared with your sales team for 1:1 distribution.

Sometimes content needs tweaking or updating. When the need arises, simply make the necessary edits to your Master Doc. When you’re ready to re-publish, your amendments will appear instantly on the same URL and any personalized versions of the Doc will automatically update too. Now your team can be confident that they’re working with the latest and greatest, and you never have to worry about your target accounts reading out-of-date information!

Expert tip: If you’re distributing personalized content to contacts in your CRM which is integrated with Turtl, you can add an additional text snippet to your Personalized Doc’s URL to associate any engagement activity with a particular Known Reader in Turtl’s analytics dashboards. We call this extra bit of the URL a "Lead Capture URL". This gives you the option to pass reader engagement data back to a contact’s profile to support other processes (more on this later).

Value delivered:

  • Account teams have the assets they need to grab attention

  • "Instant updates" through re-publishing mean an end to out-of-date content


Note: Custom Behavioral Events are available on a Professional or Unlimited plan.

1. Capture usage and engagement insights

You can start analyzing content performance as soon as you get your first Read on any of your personalizations (this declares your Master Doc "Active").

The Doc Dashboard summarizes the performance data of your Master Doc and all of its personalized derivatives. As a starting point, you can review the bounce rate, sources, page performance, and reader interactions.

These insights are a great way to see how your content is being received and identify where improvements can be made to your Master Doc. Each time you republish we’ll timestamp the analytics so you can compare performance before and after tweaks.

Value delivered:

  • Know how content is performing beyond clicks and opens

  • Make changes to content and re-publish instantly on the same URL

2. See engagement data for each personalized Doc

From the Personalization section of the Doc Dashboard, you can see the performance data of each personalized Doc once it’s had its first read.

This granular engagement data gives you a strong indication of the intent of your target accounts, enabling you to identify your warmest prospects and prioritize who to follow up with.

Value delivered: Identify high-intent accounts ripe for follow-up

3. Pass engagement data to other systems

You can pass reader engagement data from Turtl into other platforms such as a CRM or ABM platform so it’s centralized in one place. For example, you might want to export the data of your most highly engaged accounts and upload it into an ABM platform to continue your focused outreach.

You can manually export performance data from Turtl at any time or you can automatically sync data to certain platforms such as Hubspot, Marketo, and Google. For some platforms, we can enhance the data that’s sent to include "custom behavioral events" specific to Turtl. E.g. when a reader responds to a poll or reads for a certain period of time.

Value delivered: Start to centralize engagement data


1. Compare performance vs benchmarks

Note: Benchmark Dashboard is available on Professional and Unlimited plans.

Once you’ve gathered enough data on your content, consider how it compares to benchmarks. You might have internal benchmarks for things like bounce rate or conversion rate or you can use Turtl’s Benchmark Dashboard to understand how a Doc is performing against the rest of your Docs, your industry, or globally (meaning all Turtl Docs created). Consider picking out some areas for improvement from benchmark data and either update your existing content or take these recommendations forward for future pieces.

Value delivered: Understand how you compare to the wider Turtl community

2. Use performance trends and patterns to optimize content and channels

Note: Speak to our support team or your Customer Success Manager to get involved in the Engagement Radar pilot.

Once you’ve built up a bank of ABM content, you can review performance trends and patterns at a higher level using our Engagement Radar (currently in pilot). The Engagement Radar analyzes all your content and makes recommendations on what’s working best to drive engagement, including content topics, word count, design decisions, and distribution channels.

You can make the information within the Engagement Radar more useful by adding Labels to your content. This allows you to slice and dice performance trends and patterns in different ways e.g. by campaign name or content type.

Value delivered: Create the right content that’s optimized for ABM, based on data

3. Incorporate engagement data into existing ABM campaigns

If you’re passing reader engagement data into other systems, such as your CRM, you can use those insights to fuel ABM processes. A more holistic view of the data is a great way to ensure teams are focusing their efforts on the right accounts.

Here are some of our favorite ways to use the data:

  1. Tailor follow-up conversations: Your teams can review the performance data of personalized content and identify which accounts are showing signs that they’re ready for follow-up. Be sure to look at the topics and challenges that the contact, or account, has engaged with the most to deliver relevance at every stage of the journey.

  2. Feed into lead scoring initiatives: Use Custom Events to score a contact or account in your database. The more they engage with your content, the higher the score, and the higher their propensity to buy. Using lead scoring to identify high-intent accounts helps teams to focus on who to follow up with, and how.

  3. Group accounts who fit certain criteria: Rather than providing your team with a list of accounts who’ve viewed content, create a tailored list of high-priority leads who’ve taken a certain action, e.g. more than 5 minutes spent reading a case study.

  4. Trigger nurture content: You may want to trigger an email workflow with relevant content or information for key contacts or target accounts who have read particular Turtl Docs or taken a specific action e.g. watched a video.

Value delivered:

  • Streamline ABM process and focus energy on the right accounts

  • ABM content delivers more ROI

Where next

For more information on ABM and examples of how our customers are seeing success, head over to our website.

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