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Analytics benchmarks

Check your Doc performance against other Docs on your team, in your industry or globally

Updated over 2 months ago

Note: This feature is included in the Professional and Unlimited plans. To discuss upgrading to these plans reach out to

The Benchmarks tab on the Doc dashboard enables you to understand how your Doc is performing across a range of metrics compared to:

  • All Team Docs - All the Docs in your Team.

  • Industry - All Docs in your industry.

  • Global - All Docs across all Teams in Turtl.

The compared metrics include:


  • The benchmark data is updated once a day. A timestamp is available at the bottom of the dashboard which shows when the data was last updated.

  • If we don’t have many customers in your industry or the Docs in your industry haven’t received enough reads yet, you’ll see a "small dataset" message as there isn’t enough data yet to significantly or accurately benchmark against.

Accessing the dashboard

Navigate to the "All Docs" listing page and use the drop-down menu for your Doc to select "Analytics".

Click on the "Benchmarks" tab.

Choose which benchmarks to compare your Doc to by clicking on the relevant category.

The Benchmarks tab is split into sections for "Reach" "Engagement", and "Conversion". These sections contain graphs highlighting key metrics and a table that includes the Doc metrics versus the average for the benchmark category you’ve selected, showing whether your Doc is performing above or below that average.


Here, you can see how many times your Doc was read, by how many people, its bounce rate, how many readers had multiple reading sessions and compare your results to the benchmark category you’ve selected.

  • Reads: The number of times a Doc was opened and the reader turned the first page.

  • Readers: The number of unique readers who have read a Doc.

  • Bounce rate: The percentage of reads where the reader opened and closed a Doc, but did not take any action e.g. turning the first page.

  • Returning readers %: The percentage of unique readers who have read a Doc more than once.

Bounce rate graph

The bounce rate graph compares the bounce rate of your Doc to the average bounce rate of the selected benchmark category. It highlights the difference in reader numbers if your Doc had the same bounce rate as the benchmark average.

Returning readers graph

The returning readers' graph compares the percentage of returning readers for your Doc to the average percentage of returning readers in the selected benchmark category and shows you the number of readers who read your Doc more than once.


Note: Engagement metrics are currently not supported for nested Docs.

Here, you can see how your readers are engaging with your Doc compared to the benchmark category you’ve selected.

Typical web content graph

Read time graph

Share rate graph

The typical web content graph compares your Doc’s average read time to the average read time you’d expect for a typical webpage as established by academic research.

The word count of the Doc is included in brackets.

Find out more about this research here.

The read time graph compares the average read time of your Doc to the average read time for Docs with a similar number of pages in your selected benchmark category.

The share rate graph compares the percentage of readers who shared the Doc to the average percentage of readers who shared Docs in your selected benchmark category. It highlights how many more or less times the Doc was shared than the benchmark average.

  • Average read time: The average time readers spent reading your Doc compared to other Docs from your chosen benchmark with a similar number of pages.

  • % of Doc read: The average percentage of pages readers viewed in your Doc compared to other Docs from your chosen benchmark with a similar number of pages.

  • Interaction score: The average number of interactions per reader of a Doc, given a score of 1-10 when ranked against all Turtl Docs (see more info below)

  • Share rate: The percentage of readers who shared a Doc using the share buttons within your Doc compared to the other Docs from your chosen benchmark.

Interaction score

We have developed a simple scoring system that helps us evaluate the reader’s interaction with Docs. Here’s how it works:

  • We consider the average number of interactions for each Doc. Interactions could include actions such as clicking on links or submitting a poll.

  • Next, we create a distribution of these average interaction numbers, arranging them in order from lowest to highest. This distribution represents the range of engagement levels across all documents.

  • To make the scoring more intuitive, we divide this distribution into 10 equal parts or chunks. Each chunk represents a specific range of average interaction numbers.

  • Now, for any individual document, we determine its score by comparing its average number of interactions to the distribution. We find the corresponding chunk that includes this average and assign a score out of 10 based on that chunk.

The team, industry, and global benchmarks calculate an average score across all Docs in each category.

In essence, this scoring system provides a standardized way to gauge the engagement level of documents, where a higher score indicates a higher level of interaction.


Note: This section will only be visible if you have a lead capture form enabled on your Doc.

Here you can see how many leads your Doc has generated compared to the benchmark category you’ve selected.

Sign-up rate:

The percentage of readers who filled out a lead capture form in a Doc.

Sign-up graph

The sign-up graph compares the percentage of readers who filled out a lead capture in the Doc to the average percentage of readers who filled out a lead capture form in the Docs in your selected benchmark category. It highlights how many more or less leads the Doc generated than the benchmark average.

Change Your Industry*

*Admins and Global Admins only.

If you would like to amend the industry for your benchmarks, this can be changed in the Team settings. To amend this:

Please click on your Team icon on the left-hand sidebar.

In the drop-down menu, click on "Settings" and click the "Basic" tab.

Under the Industry section, click the drop-down and select the required industry for your Benchmarks.

Once you are done, simply click on "Save" in the top right corner.

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