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Team analytics dashboard

Learn how to review the performance of your Turtl Docs

Updated over a month ago

The Team dashboard provides you with insight across all of your team's Turtl Docs. Here, you can find out how many readers you have overall within your team, how they are reading your Turtl Docs, and which Docs are the most popular.

Accessing the Team dashboard


  • If you think your analytics data looks incorrect, remember to check if you have any filters already applied and clear them by clicking on each filter individually.

  • Users who are logged into Turtl won’t be counted in any of the analytics. If you need to test whether your analytics are pulling through as expected, use an incognito tab in your browser. Please also allow 5 minutes for your dashboards to update with the most recent data.

To access your Team dashboard, log in to your Turtl account, select the team icon on the left sidebar that you wish to see data for, and choose the Analytics tab.

You can filter the data in the following ways by using the dropdown menus at the top of the page:

  • Timeframe (defaults to last 30 days)

  • Workspace

  • Source

  • Device

  • Country

  • Label

  • UTM tags

  • Created by - this refers to who created the Docs.

To access the analytics for a specific workspace you can use the workspace filter on the Team dashboard or you can access this directly from the workspace by clicking the Analytics button in the top right corner. The workspace dashboard works in exactly the same way as the Team dashboard.


Within the overview, you can view a line graph of reads and a bar chart of leads (these are the purple vertical lines) over time. It also provides key headline metrics such as reads, readers, and shares. Hover over the graph to view metrics from specific dates. You can learn more about what these metrics mean in our metrics guide.

Reads by source, device, and location

This section allows you to see how your readers are accessing your Turtl Docs for the filter that you applied at the top of the page, for example, you might want to see:

Source: See how people opened your content. Did they open your Doc from a direct link (for example from an email) or did they come from your website or a social network? Using this data can help you decide where to promote your Doc to gain more readers.

We detect the source through the HTTP request sent by the user landing on Turtl Doc to our server. See our article on the source metric for more details.

Device: See what devices people are using to read your Turtl Doc. This is split between desktop, mobile, and tablet. While Turtl content is responsive and optimized for various devices, it is still useful to monitor what readers are using to access your content. For example, are readers coming from your website using desktop, and readers from social channels using mobile? Understanding this could let you know whether you need to put more attention on your mobile versions, for example. We detect the device type through the HTTP request sent by the user landing on Turtl Doc to our server.

Location: See where your readers are located physically - understanding the location of your audience is important for tailoring your content. You will be able to see if your content is making an impact in the intended market, but the data could also inform decisions on targeting other regions. We detect the location through IPs. We use the GEOIP2 database to convert IPs to geolocation.

Most read Turtl Docs

This table provides a rundown of all of the Turtl Docs that have been read within the selected time frame, ordered by the number of reads. For each Doc, you can see the number of reads, readers, leads, and shares as well as the average read time and bounce rate.

Click the title of any Turtl Doc in the list to see the analytics for that particular Doc, or click the icon under the "Link" column to view the Doc itself. Find out more about Turtl Doc analytics.

Reads: See the number of times a Doc has been read. A read is classified as any movement past the cover page.

Readers: The total number of unique readers who have read each Doc. A reader is defined as someone who has opened the Doc and then taken an action e.g. turning the first page.

Sign-ups: The number of sign-ups generated from that Doc using a lead capture form.

PDF Downloads: The number of times someone clicked on the "Download PDF" button within the Doc.

Shares: The number of times a Doc was shared using the share buttons within the content.

Avg. read time: On average, how long an individual reader spent within a Doc. In other words, the total time all readers spent reading one Doc is divided by the number of readers.

Bounce rate: The percentage of times a reader opened and closed a Doc but did not take any action.

Known readers

Note: This feature is available on our Grow or Scale plans. Please contact support if you want to upgrade your plan.

This section allows you to see a list of known readers, how many Docs they have read, and for how long. The reader must have completed an action for us to know who they are, for example, they must have completed a lead capture form, received a personalized URL, completed 2-factor authentication to read the Doc, or be trackable through a CRM integration.

Learn more about how to get individualized reader analytics.

Source: See how the reader became a known reader. There are multiple source possibilities:

  • Signup: The reader submitted a lead capture form on your Doc.

  • URL: The reader opened the Doc through a personalized URL,

  • Authentication: The reader might be logged into your company SSO or has accessed a Doc that is only available to specific email domains. You can learn more about controlling Doc access settings here.

  • Unknown: If you have added a custom form to your Doc, you need a suitable integration in place for Turtl to access this data and report it in the dashboard. To find out more about configuring specific integrations check out our integrations articles here.​

Store: This is where your Known reader information is stored. If your CRM is integrated with your Turtl account, you will see your CRM in this column. Otherwise, you will see "Turtl" as the store. If the store is "Internal" this means the reader had access to the Doc either through SSO or email authentication (when this occurs the source will show as "Authentication").

Reads: See the number of times this reader has read your Docs. A read is classified as any movement past the Cover page.

Docs: See the number of unique Docs this reader has read. This is good to gather insight into what content they are interested most in.

Shares: See the number of times this reader has shared your Docs.

Total Read Time: See how long the reader has read your Docs. This will be the total sum of all Docs they have read. You may see this in seconds "s", milliseconds "ms", or a more human-readable time that varies depending on the amount of time spent.

Tip: You can click on a known reader link to access this reader's individual reader dashboard.

Downloading your analytics

There are two reports that you can download from your dashboards using the "Download" button on the top right of the dashboard, an Overview report and a Reads report with more metrics available.

Find out more about the Overview report and Reads report.

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