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How to restrict access to personalized Docs

Learn how to restrict access to your personalized content

Nastja Sodin avatar
Written by Nastja Sodin
Updated over a week ago

Note: This feature is available if you have purchased the Personalization module and are on a Professional or Unlimited plan. Please contact Support if you want to upgrade your plan.

You can change the access settings of your personalizations so that only a specified set of email addresses can be used by external users to read your Turtl Doc.

If applied, all external readers will be presented with an access screen requiring them to enter their email address to read the personalized version of your Turtl Doc.

Read more about Turtl Doc access settings here.

To add this to your personalization form, follow these steps:

  1. When building your personalization form, click the "Add new field" button and add a "Single line" field.

  2. In the pop-up, enter the unique token name ttl_access_control and click "Confirm".

  3. Change the token label to what you’d like to show on the personalization form e.g. Access Control.

  4. Remember to save your personalization form.

  5. When you personalize your Doc you can input specific email addresses or domains that will be able to access your personalization. To add multiple email addresses, separate them with a comma.

When creating batch personalizations, your token, ttl_access_control, will appear as a column in your template CSV. Under this column input which email addresses or domains you want to be able to access your personalization. When uploading your CSV using the batch personalization option, in the “map” tab you will see a message that starts with "Your data contains the ttl_access_control field."


Note: Known Readers feature is available on our Professional and Unlimited plans. Please contact Support if you want to upgrade your plan.

When a reader accesses your personalized Turtl Doc via email authentication, they will be captured under the ‘known readers’ section of the Turtl Doc analytics dashboard, as well as the analytics dashboard for specific personalization. There you’ll see their email address displayed, and know they’ve accessed the personalization via email authentication by seeing "Authentication" under the "Source" title.

Click on the email address under "Known Readers" to see more analytics about that specific reader, including information about which pages they’ve read and what they’ve interacted with.

To learn more about different aspects of the personalization engine, see our collection of support articles here.

We also offer these training videos as part of our onboarding:

#personalisation #personalise

The personalization engine is protected by US patents.

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