Scheduled data delivery

How to automatically send Turtl data to your external analytics platform

Radovan Vidović avatar
Written by Radovan Vidović
Updated over a week ago

Your Turtl analytic dashboards allow you to measure and monitor the performance of your content. Scheduled data delivery helps you make the most out of these content insights by regularly importing Turtl analytics into your external analytics platforms.

Note: This feature is available by default to customers on the Professional plan. Please reach out to or your customer success manager if you would like more information on this.

How it works

Turtl generates daily analytics snapshots and delivers them as CSV files to your designated AWS S3 bucket, Google Cloud Storage bucket, or SFTP server.

An example of the generated CSV can be found here.

Each delivery includes data for the previous day/week/month depending on what you select at the setup.

The data delivery process begins from 7 AM UK time onwards, with deliveries occurring one after the other.

Please note: The timing may vary slightly depending on the queue and complexity of the data delivery job.

Once you’ve received the file, you can import your Turtl data into your preferred external analytics platform:

Getting started

Follow the steps below to set up scheduled data delivery with Turtl

1. First, you can contact your Customer Success Manager or Turtl Support with the details of your preferred data delivery platform.

For AWS S3, please provide the following:

  • Region: string, an AWS region - for example, eu-west-1

  • Access_key_id: string, an AWS access key ID

  • Secret_access_key: string, an AWS access key secret

  • Path: string, the S3 bucket path where data is going to be delivered

For Google Cloud Storage (GCS), please provide the following:

  • Client_email: string, the email associated with your GCS service account

  • Private_key: string, the private key for your GCS service account

  • Path: string, the GCS bucket path where data is going to be delivered

Note: The GCS service account needs a storage.objects.create permission for it to work

For SFTP, SSH keys, or username and password will need to be exchanged and set up.

2. After you’ve sent over your credentials, we’ll do the rest. Your Customer Success Manager will contact you once the data delivery is set up and ready to go.

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