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Oracle Eloqua tracking code and custom events

Using the Oracle Eloqua tracking code to centralize reader engagement data

Maruša Barle avatar
Written by Maruša Barle
Updated over a week ago

Note: This solution does not require Turtl to have an integration with Oracle Eloqua.

You can add Eloqua’s tracking code, called Oracle Eloqua Asynchronous Visitor

Tracking Script, to your Turtl Doc(s) to send reader activity, e.g. page visits, clicked links to Eloqua. Once this activity data is in your CRM, it can support various processes.

Once the tracking code is enabled on your Turtl Docs and a reader visits a tracked page or clicks a link, Oracle Eloqua places a cookie on the visitor's computer or device. Eloqua can then capture information about a visit such as how long a visitor spends on a site, the length of the visit, the entry and exit pages, and so on. Additionally, the cookie can provide information about the visitor's company, browser, and referring page.

How to find the tracking code in Eloqua

To generate the tracking code, please follow the instruction guides on either:

What’s the process of getting the code into Turtl

Once you have the tracking code, please send it to and we will set it up as an extension for you, which can be toggled on/off on your Turtl Doc(s). You can also choose to apply this extension to all Turtl Docs automatically.

The following code sample illustrates what it looks like:

Note: Please make sure you adjust the siteID and <> to be specific to your Oracle Eloqua instance, as per the instructions in the articles linked above.

<script type="text/javascript">
var _elqQ = _elqQ || [];
_elqQ.push(['elqSetSiteId', 'siteId']);
_elqQ.push(['elqUseFirstPartyCookie', '<>']);

(function() {
function async_load() {
var s = document.createElement('script'); s.type = 'text/javascript';
s.async = true;
s.src = '//';
var x = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
x.parentNode.insertBefore(s, x);
if(window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async_load, false);
else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent('onload', async_load);

What information does the code collect?

Various types of information is captured about the reader’s activity in Turtl, such as:

  • Page visited

  • Time spent on the page

  • IP address

  • Length of the visit

  • Entry and exit pages

  • etc.

How does the collected information appear in Eloqua

There are two locations where you can see the information collected by the tracking code:

1. Website Performance Overview Dashboard

This dashboard shows information about Turtl page performance and visitors.

You can learn more about the dashboard here.

You can see a sample dashboard here.

2. Visitor Record

As readers browse your Turtl Docs, Eloqua uses cookies and the reader's IP address to build a visitor record.

You can learn more about the information that's captured on the Visitor Record here.

How can we customize the tracking code to send custom Turtl events to Eloqua?

If you are on Turtl’s Unlimited or Professional plan, our engineering team can customize the standard Eloqua tracking script to send through additional events from Turtl into Eloqua that aren’t captured within the standard script.

The table below outlines the additional events we can send to Eloqua. All event types will appear as "Website visit" activity type, with extra information logged under the "URL" section of an activity.

As part of the setup process, please let us know which of the below events you’d like to send. It’s a good idea to keep this as light as possible so you’re not overloaded with information.

Event name

What we’ll include within the Query Parameters

Read Doc 1 minute

  • Event name

  • Doc name

Read Doc 2 minutes

  • Event name

  • Doc name

Read Doc 3 minutes

  • Event name

  • Doc name

Read Doc 4 minutes

  • Event name

  • Doc name

Read Doc 5 minutes

  • Event name

  • Doc name

Read Doc 8 minutes

  • Event name

  • Doc name

Read Doc 10 minutes

  • Event name

  • Doc name

Page turn

  • Event name

  • Doc name

  • Title

Open Immerse Level

  • Event name

  • Doc name

  • Title

Close Immere Level

  • Event name

  • Doc name

  • Title

Internal Link Click

  • Event name

  • Doc name

  • Internal Link URL

Internal Link Click

  • Event name

  • Doc name

  • External Link URL

Personalization Form Fill

  • Event name

  • Doc name

Poll Submit

  • Event name

  • Doc name

  • Question

  • Response

View Chart

  • Event name

  • Doc name

  • Label

View Image

  • Event name

  • Doc name

  • Label

View Map

  • Event name

  • Doc name

  • Label

View PDF

  • Event name

  • Doc name

  • Label

Watch Video

  • Event name

  • Doc name

  • Label

Listen to Audio

  • Event name

  • Doc name

  • Label

How do these custom events appear in Eloqua?

Once the extension has been customized, the custom events will come through as "Website Visit" activities within Eloqua, but we append additional information within the URL of the activity.

As mentioned above, Turtl appends additional custom activity information to the URL as query parameters (refer to the table above for a complete reference). For example, if a visitor reads a Turtl Doc for more than 2 minutes, the website URL might appear as: Name=Read Doc 2 minutes/Doc name=Trends Report

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