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How to distribute personalized Turtl Docs via a HubSpot email campaign
How to distribute personalized Turtl Docs via a HubSpot email campaign
Updated over 7 months ago

Turtl’s personalization engine enables you to create hundreds or thousands of personalized documents in seconds. Once you’ve created these personalized Docs, you can send them out via a marketing email campaign within HubSpot. This support article will walk you through that process.

Within this example, we’ll follow the scenario of creating a batch of personalized newsletters for an existing contact list within HubSpot. The newsletter will include the customer's first name on the cover page, so it’s essential each contact in HubSpot receives the right Doc. We also want to include the personalized GIF asset within the email to boost click-through.

Note: We’ll be using the method of personalizing via file upload (where you input a .csv file of data into Turtl in order to generate personalized content). If you’re using the personalization API to automate the creation of personalized content, some steps will differ. If you’re not sure what the difference is, read this article.

1. Prepare your master Doc for personalization

Before you can create personalized content, you need to have a completed Turtl Doc which is set up for personalization and includes a personalization form. We call this a master Doc. See our guide on how to set up a Doc for personalization.

2. Export your file upload template from Turtl

Once you’ve set up your Master Doc, download the file upload template (this will download a .csv file which contains columns for each of the personalization tokens you’ve included within your personalization form).

If you’ve set up your personalization form to include a personalization token for a contact’s first name (in this example the token is called "firstname") your file upload template file will include one column for that data point.

File upload template example

3. Export your contact information from HubSpot

1. To ensure it’s easy to match up your personalized Turtl Docs with a contact in HubSpot, you’ll need to include each contact’s "Unique identifier" in HubSpot within your file upload template.

In HubSpot, you can use a contact’s email address or Record ID as their unique identifier. In this example, we’ll work with the email address. The email address won’t show within your personalized Docs but it will be used later on in this process.

2. Export your list of contacts from HubSpot making sure to include the "First name" and "Email" fields.

  • The "First name" will be used on the front cover of the Turtl Doc.

  • The "Email" will be used as the unique identifier later on in this process.

3. Copy this exported list into your file upload template, pasting the information from HubSpot's "First name" field in the "firstname" column to make the mapping process more straightforward when you reupload your file to Turtl.

4. Include the email address information in a column too - you don’t need a corresponding personalization token within the Turtl Doc for this.

5. Save the sheet as a .csv ready for upload back into Turtl.

Completed file upload template (including email address)

4. Create personalized Docs in Turtl

1. Navigate back to Turtl’s batch personalization workflow and upload your completed .csv.

2. Map the "firstname" field. You don’t need to map the email to a personalization token.

3. Complete the remaining steps to create your personalized Docs.

​4. Click "Preview" to check your personalizations have worked as expected.

Creating file upload personalization

5. Export personalized Doc info from Turtl

1. Click "Download Personalizations" to access a .csv which contains your personalized Doc information including each Doc’s:

  • Personalization ID (PID): A unique identifier for each Turtl Doc that’s used in the URL.

  • Personalization URL: The full URL of each personalized Turtl Doc.

  • Cover image URL: A link to each personalized Doc’s Cover image (PNG).

  • Teaser image URL: A link to each personalized Doc’s Teaser image (GIF).

Download and preview options once your file upload is complete

2. Within your .csv file, you’ll see that the "Email" column is maintained, despite not being used in the personalization process.

3. Save the sheet to your desktop as a .csv or Excel ready for import back into HubSpot.

File upload template ready for import back into Hubspot

6. Prepare HubSpot for data import

1. To send the personalized Docs out via a HubSpot email, we need to import some of the personalized Doc information back into HubSpot including:

  • The personalization URL: Enables us to link each contact to their Doc within the email template.

  • Cover image URL: Enabling us to include a static PNG of the personalized Turtl Doc cover within the email template.

  • Teaser image URL: Enabling us to include a GIF of the personalized Turtl Doc cover within the email template.

2. Before importing this information, we need to create new properties in HubSpot. In this example, we’re sending personalized Docs to specific Contacts in HuSpot so we’ll make Contact properties.

3. Create new contact properties in HubSpot:

  • A single-line text field to hold the personalization URL.

  • A single-line text field to hold the cover image (PNG) URL.

  • A single-line text field to hold the teaser image (GIF) URL.

In this example, the PID isn’t necessary to import.

Note: You will need to create new fields for each personalized email campaign you run from HubSpot in the future.

Creating a new field in HubSpot

7. Import personalized data into HubSpot

1. Navigate to HubSpot and import the sheet from step 5.

Follow HubSpot’s instructions to ensure you’re updating existing contacts only, rather than creating new ones. The "email address" column from the import file will enable you to do this.

2. Map the columns in your import file to the new fields you created in step 6.

Importing data back into HubSpot

3. Once imported, check a contact record to ensure the new fields have been populated correctly.

New fields populated on a Contact record

8. Prepare a HubSpot email template

In our example scenario, we’d like to include two points of personalization within the email template:

  1. A hyperlink in the body of the email text that links off to the personalized Doc.

  2. An image of the personalized GIF cover page which will be hyperlinked to the personalized Doc.

Start by creating an email template in HubSpot in the same way you normally would.

Add a personalized URL to your email template

1. Start designing your email and identify where you’d like to hyperlink to your personalized Doc. In our example template, we’ll link the text ‘our recent newsletter’ to the personalized Doc URL.

2. Copy the token below into the URL to link to each contact’s personalized Doc

{{ contact.february_newsletter_personalization_url }}

The "february_newsletters_personalization_url" text should be replaced with the internal name of the field you created for the personalization URL. You can get the internal name from the property settings in HubSpot.

How to get the internal name of the field

3. If you also want to track known readers within Turtl’s analytics dashboard, add the following query parameter to your personalization URL: ​

&lead[store]=hubspot&lead[id]={{ contact.hs_object_id }}

We refer to this method of tracking as a Lead Capture URL.

The final URL would then look like this:

{{ contact.february_newsletter_personalization_url }}​&lead[store]=hubspot&lead[id]={{ contact.hs_object_id }}

4. Send a test email via HubSpot and choose to receive the email as a specific contact who has the personalization URL field populated. Check that the URL is routed to the correct personalized Doc.

Add a personalized Cover Image or GIF to your email template

1. Within HubSpot’s email builder, select the "HTML - Email" Module and place it within your email. We’ll use the HTML module to pull in the personalized Doc’s cover page in a GIF format and hyperlink the GIF to the Personalized Doc URL.

2. Add the following HTML to the "Edit HTML" section of the module.

The "february_newsletter_personalization_url" and "february_newsletter_teaser_gif_url" text should be replaced with the internal name of the fields you created for the Personalization URL and Teaser GIF. You can get the internal name from the property settings in HubSpot (as covered in this step).

<a href="{{ contact.february_newsletter_personalization_url }}​&lead[store]=hubspot&lead[id]={{ contact.hs_object_id }}">
<img src="{{ contact.february_newsletter_teaser_gif_url }}" style="width: 100%; height: auto;"/>

The href attribute of the anchor (<a>) tag will link the Cover PNG or Teaser GIF to the URL of each personalized Doc. In this example, we’ve chosen to reference the field that holds the Teaser GIF. If you don’t want to track known readers in Turtl’s analytics dashboard when a reader clicks on the GIF image, remove this segment of the snippet:

?lead[store]=hubspot&lead[id]={{ contact.hs_object_id }}

The src attribute of the image (<img>) tag will pull in the Cover PNG or GIF depending on which field you reference. In this case, we’ve referenced the Teaser GIF.

The style attribute ensures that the GIF sits neatly within the email boundary.

3. Once your HTML is added, you can return to your email design.

Note: When looking at the preview of the email in HubSpot’s email builder, you might not see the personalized GIF or Image pulling through (as shown below). However, if you send a test email via HubSpot and choose to receive the test email as a specific contact who has the Cover Image or Teaser GIF fields populated, you’ll see it pull through.

GIF image may not show up in the preview of your email template

4. Send a test email via HubSpot and choose to receive the test email as a specific contact who has the Cover Image or Teaser GIF populated. Check the test email to ensure everything is pulling through as expected and the text and image hyperlink to the correct personalization URL for the contact.

5. Finalize your email design and send it as you normally would.

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