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Audio widget

Find out how to insert audio clips within your content

Updated over 2 months ago

You can include audio within your Content pages, as long as the audio is in an MP3 format and is hosted online.

Inserting your MP3 link

  1. Click the "+ Add content" button.

  2. Select "Audio" from the Content menu.

3. Paste the URL link of your hosted MP3.

4. Add a title so that you can see how many times this audio file was played in your analytics later. It's a good idea to use a label that will be easily recognizable to you as this audio file.

5. When completed, press OK and your audio file will be present within the content, ready for your readers to play.

Uploading SoundCloud audio into Turtl

1. First, make sure that your audio file is uploaded to SoundCloud in MP3 format. Once you’ve done so, add this file to your RSS feed (instructions on how to do this here).

2. Next, access your account’s RSS feed. To do this, copy the URL of your SoundCloud profile and paste it here. Then, click enter.

Note: Your pasted URL should be in the following format: - you can find this URL by navigating to your SoundCloud profile and copying the link in the search bar.

Under "Result" you should see your account page. Here, select the "RSS feed" button. This will open the RSS feed HTML in a new tab.

3. In the RSS feed HTML tab, search for your MP3 file link. The code will look like the image below. Look for url="the link will be between the quotes".

Note: Make sure the URL begins with https:// and ends with .mp3

4. Now open the Content page where you want to embed your audio file, choose Turtl’s audio widget, and paste the MP3 link. Success!

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