Set up dynamic personalization fields

Learn how to set up rules for your personalization form fields

Nastja Sodin avatar
Written by Nastja Sodin
Updated over a week ago

Note: Personalization is available only to customers with this feature enabled. If you’re interested in setting up personalization on your account, reach out to your CSM or contact

When building your personalization form, dynamic fields allow you to set conditions on how field settings change depending on the inputs in the personalization form. With a few clicks you’ll be able to set conditions for when certain fields become visible/hidden, required/not required or enabled/disabled. There are many different use-cases for this, so let’s check out how to set up one of the most useful ones.

Common use cases

Example no.1

You have already added a checkbox (or select field) to your personalization form, but you only want it to be visible if another form field has a specific option selected. For example, if you have a large number of products in a brochure, divided in categories, you can easily create the form so that the personalizer first selects a product category from a list, and then a list of the specific products to select within that category would appear.

Example no.2

You have added a select/checkbox field with a list of possible values, but want the reader to be able to provide a value that isn’t already on the list. You can easily add an option called “Other” that, when selected, another field would appear that allows the reader to type in their own answer.

Next, let’s take a look at how you would implement these in the personalization form builder.

Example no.1 in practice

Step 1 - Set up your fields

In this case we have two fields in the form, the first one (categories) has three checkboxes: Spreads, Soups and Pastas. The other field is a list of spreads we want to be visible only if the personalizer selects the ‘Spreads’ checkbox. See how this should look in your form builder below:

Step 2 - Add visibility rules

Let’s add some rules to the ‘Spreads’ field so that it is only visible when ‘Spreads’ is selected from the list of categories.

  1. Select ‘Spreads’ field, go to the Advanced tab

  2. Change the Visible setting to dynamic using the lightning icon and click ‘Add first rule’

  3. Select the token “categories”, set the operator to “is one of”, and select one of the checkboxes from the first field. In this case, Spreads.

Step 3 - Save and test

Click ‘Save changes’ to complete the set up. The field “Spreads” should be hidden and only become visible if you select the checkbox “Spreads” in the first field.

Example no. 2 in practice

Step 1 - Set up your fields

In this example we need to have a checkbox field, where the last value is labelled ‘Other’. We also need to add another input field, where the reader can input their own text to the form.

In our example, we’ve decided to add a checkbox of different foods labelled ‘What is your favourite food’, including an option for ‘Other’. We’ve also added a ‘single line’ input field labelled ‘Please specify’. See how we’ve set up our form below:

Step 2 - Add visibility rules

Let’s add some rules to the ‘single line’ input field so that it is only visible when ‘Other’ is selected from the list of foods.

  1. Select the field and go to the Advanced tab

  2. Change the Visible setting to dynamic using the lightning icon and click ‘Add first rule’

  3. Select the token “favourite_food”, set the operator to “is one of”, and select ‘Other’ from the list

Step 3 - Save and test

Click ‘Save changes’ to complete the set up. The field with the custom answer should be hidden and only become visible if you select the checkbox “Other” in the first field.

Read more on personalization:

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