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Converting PDFs to Turtl Docs FAQs

Beta information, converting content, AI and error messages FAQ

Updated over 2 months ago

Note: If you aren’t able to find the answer to your question, please reach out to for assistance.

Within this FAQ page, you'll find answers to frequently asked questions about converting PDFs into Turtl Docs. We cover topics such as our use of AI, common error messages during conversion, and tips for achieving the best layout for PDFs to ensure a smooth conversion process.

Converting content

What kind of content can I convert?

In Turtl, you can convert long-form PDF content. For the best results, we recommend working with PDFs that have a clear structure of headings, subheadings, paragraphs, and a clean overall design. It's even better if your PDF includes a table of contents, as this makes it simpler for us to slice the content into chapters during the conversion process. For more details on how to create content for successful conversion in Turtl, check out this article.

Why doesn’t the converted Turtl Doc look exactly the same as the original PDF?

When you convert your PDF content into a Turtl Doc, you're not just changing its format; you're enhancing it to be more engaging and interactive. Unlike the static portrait format of PDFs, Turtl Docs are designed in landscape orientation with a unique column structure. Our technology is grounded in the psychology of how people read and retain information, ensuring that your content is presented in the most effective way possible. As a result of these enhancements to structure and reading experience, Turtl Docs won’t replicate the exact appearance of the original PDF.

I’ve converted my PDF, what do I do next?

Now that you've converted your PDF into a Turtl Doc, it's important to review and make any desired changes before publishing and sharing. Check out this article for a helpful checklist of changes to look out for when reviewing your Doc.

Why has my PDF converted poorly?

If your PDF didn't convert as expected, it's possible that you attempted to convert a piece of content that Turtl currently doesn't fully support. Turtl is optimized for converting long-form PDFs with a clear structure that includes headings, subheadings, and paragraphs, along with a clean overall design. For the best results, make sure your PDF meets these criteria before converting.

Your PDF may also include complex elements, take a look at this article to find out how to remove them.

Why has my cover page been duplicated?

As a rule, the cover page will be without the Immerse level. Depending on the PDF content, the cover may be duplicated and the Turtl Doc may need to be amended manually.

Note: If you’d like assistance finishing the design of the Doc, reach out to to commission the team for manual conversion.

Artificial intelligence

Learn how Turtl utilizes AI to enrich your content when converting PDFs.

Does Turtl make use of third-party AI tools?

Yes, Turtl does make use of third-party AI tools, however only when converting PDFs into Turtl Docs and as explained below.

What third-party AI does Turtl use?

Turtl makes use of AI when PDFs are uploaded and converted into Turtl Docs, offering to enhance the experience of converting content from PDF to the Turtl Doc format.

Adobe Sensei AI as a component within Adobe’s PDF Extract API layer is used to read and convert the uploaded PDF content into a raw data format.

Turtl utilizes OpenAI for seamless categorization of subject matters and key topics within chapters and provides the optional ability to use its generative capabilities to create interactive Turtl features such as quotes and polls. Turtl additionally utilizes OpenAI’s categorization of subject matters and key topics within chapters to select relevant additional imagery for Surf pages through Freepik (a graphic resources platform).

Turtl also utilizes Sightengine during conversion to score the quality of images in the PDF to determine if they are of good enough quality to use on Surf pages.

Where a third party processes any PII included within your PDFs, this shall be done in accordance with our DPA. See here for information on Turtl sub-processors.

Does Turtl make use of Generative AI?

Turtl provides the ability to make use of Generative AI when converting PDFs to create interactive Turtl content such as quotes and polls through the use of OpenAI. However, use of this is optional before converting your PDF and can be disabled under the ‘AI content enrich option.

What are the AI options I can enable or disable when converting a PDF?

Converting a PDF into a Turtl Doc

As described above, Adobe Sensei AI is a component within Adobe’s PDF Extract API layer that is used to read and convert the uploaded PDF content into a raw data format. This option cannot be disabled when converting a PDF.

AI image suggestions

We use AI to pick relevant royalty-free images to improve your Turtl Doc if your PDF doesn’t contain enough quality imagery for each Surf page. We use OpenAI to understand the topic of your content and source relevant images from Freepik.

AI content enrich

We use OpenAI to understand your content, generate quotes, and polls, and pull out significant text into text boxes to make the content more engaging. We also utilize Sightengine to score the quality of images in the PDF to determine if they are of good enough quality to use on Surf pages.

Note: Both these options can be disabled before converting a PDF.

Will Turtl process any PII when a PDF is uploaded and converted into a Turtl Doc?

If there is any PII within the PDF that the customer elects to upload, then yes, PII would then be processed in accordance with the terms of our DPA.

What data is shared with the third-party AI tools that Turtl utilizes?

The only information processed by third-party AI tools is what is contained within the PDF uploaded into Turtl. No customer configuration or data outside of the PDF content is shared.

Can I prevent my company’s information from being shared with the third-party AI tools that Turtl uses?

Yes, given that Turtl only makes use of AI when converting PDFs and that this functionality requires an “opt-in” process from our customers then your company’s information will not be shared unless following these steps.

Error messages

Learn the steps you can take if you’re receiving an error message when uploading your PDF.

Your PDF is too large

  • File sizes are limited to 100 MB, please try uploading a smaller PDF.

  • PDF length is limited to 100 pages, please try uploading a PDF with fewer pages.

Note: Larger PDFs could be put through the Importer in two parts if the original content is cut in two, but please consider whether such a large piece of content is right for a Turtl Doc.

Your PDF is too complex

  • Your PDF has elements we couldn’t process

  • Your PDF has a table we couldn’t process

  • Your PDF has fonts we couldn’t process

Take a look at this article to learn how to remove complex elements from your PDF.

Your file wasn’t a PDF

You need to convert your file into a PDF before uploading it into Turtl. Take a look at this article on how to convert other formats to PDF.

Your PDF is locked or password-protected

Remove the protection from the PDF and upload again.

Your PDF was created in PowerPoint and needs to be exported again

We couldn't process this PDF

Depending on where your PDF was originally made (InDesign, PowerPoint, Acrobat, Canva, or other) we recommend the following steps for best results.

If you don't know how your PDF was originally created, you can check by finding the metadata settings.

Default steps - InDesign, MS Word, Google Docs, or unknown

Mac users - Preview

1. Open the PDF in Preview. If Preview is not your default application, right-click on the PDF, hover to "Open with", and select Preview from the drop-down.

2. When the PDF is opened in Preview, go to "File" -> "Print" (cmd+P). When the print dialogue box opens, make sure the orientation is set correctly to your PDF, and then click PDF in the bottom left-hand corner of the box.

3. A dialogue box will open, re-name the PDF to "Doc name - Preview version". Then click "Save".

4. Re-upload your new PDF to Turtl.

Windows users - Edge

1. Open the PDF in Edge. If Edge is not your default browser, right-click on the PDF, hover to "Open with", and select Edge from the drop-down.

2. When the PDF is opened in Edge, go to the top right-hand corner and click on the printer icon.

3. A print dialogue box will open, select Microsoft Printer to PDF from the Printer options drop-down.

4. Save your new PDF to "Doc name - Microsoft version" and re-upload to Turtl.

MS PowerPoint

1. Open the Doc in PowerPoint.

2. Navigate to "File".

3. Save the PowerPoint as Adobe PDF.

4. Re-name the file to "Doc name - ppt pdf".

5. Re-upload this new PDF into Turtl.


1. Open the PDF in Acrobat, if Acrobat is not your default application right-click on the PDF, hover to "Open with", and select Acrobat from the drop-down.

2. When the PDF is opened in Acrobat, go to "File" -> "Save as Other", then click "Optimized PDF".

3. A PDF Optimizer box will open, click on "Discard User Data" in the left-hand menu. Tick "Discard hidden layer content and flatten visible layers" and click OK in the bottom right-hand corner.

4. A save dialogue box will open, re-name your PDF to "Doc name - Acrobat". After you've renamed the PDF, click "Save".

5. Re-upload your new PDF to Turtl.

Note: If the above steps aren’t successful, try re-exporting the PDF before uploading again or try another PDF. If you’re still encountering difficulties, please reach out to the support team at or, if you’d like help creating your Doc, reach out to to commission the team for manual conversion.

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